🚀 Mudita Kompakt is now available for pre-order! Order today and get 27% OFF.

Hardware QA Intern

City:Warsaw, Office, Poland


Do zespołu Mudita poszukujemy studenta lub studentki, osoby zainteresowanej tematyką testowania sprzętu elektronicznego i chętnej do rozwoju w tym kierunku.

📋 Główne zadania:

  • Wykonywanie testów sprzętu oraz oprogramowania produktów z kategorii elektroniki użytkowej

  • Przeprowadzanie procedury aktualizacji urządzeń elektronicznych

😎 Wymagania:

  • Absolwent/ka lub student/ka studiów technicznych (preferowana mechanika, elektronika, telelomunikacja, automatyka, informatyka lub pokrewne)

  • Sumienność, skrupulatność

  • Przykładanie dużej wagi do szczegółów

  • Znajomość języka angielskiego na poziomie komunikatywnym

  • Dostępność minimum 3 dni w tygodniu, praca z biura

  • Chęć rozwoju w obszarze quality assurance oraz quality control

🙌 Oferujemy:

  • Praca z biura

  • Owocowe wtorki

  • Elastyczne godziny pracy

  • Wspierający zespół

  • Krótki proces decyzyjny

  • Karta Multisport

  • Opieka medyczna w Medicover

  • Lokalizacja biura przy Metro Racławicka

🔍 About us

Mudita designs consumer electronics that help to bring BALANCE & QUALITY to people’s lives. Products which are as minimalistic as possible, which don’t scream for attention or overwhelm us with needless distractions.

At our office in Warsaw, we’ve gathered a dream-team of skilled professionals to design a series of mobile phones and other devices that will be launched worldwide. Our mission is to help people use technology in a healthy and mindful way.

We are one of a very few companies in Poland dedicated to designing and manufacturing high quality consumer electronics, aimed at the international market, especially USA and EU. Some of our first, already released products, consist of, among others, the world’s only e-ink alarm clock, Mudita Harmony and Mudita Pure, a classic, e-ink phone, which has already received numerous prestigious design awards, such as the German Design Award, IF Design Award, A’design Award, and the Good Design Award. ⌚📱

Our goal is to create unique products featuring top notch minimalist design, in order to help us to live our life in harmony with modern technology. We strive to be independent thinkers, who are not afraid of introducing products which go against typical hot trends, highly promoted by the mainstream big tech companies. To achieve our objective, we rely heavily on custom-designed solutions, like our very own mobile operating system, MuditaOS developed in-house, from scratch, which we also made Open Source since transparency, openness and focus on the community is fundamental to Mudita's philosophy.

Our company culture is very open, with easy access to all decision makers, including Michał Kiciński, our founder, main shareholder and Chairman. Michał is known for being the co-founder of CD Projekt, the leader of the gaming industry in Poland. Thanks to his support, Mudita can offer a secure and financially stable working environment, perfect for anyone who is serious about a long-term career in the tech industry.