We're on a mission to build a movement of conscious tech users

A space to discuss and contemplate ideas, to listen and be listened to. Ask us about the progress of our work, learn more about relevant scientific research, discuss the articles we publish and openly share your thoughts.
Our growing collection of stories written by us or great authors we collaborate with. You will find articles on topics such as: digital minimalism, digital parenting, mindfulness, sleep, mindful work, and Mudita backstage. Have a good read and share your opinion!
There are so many valuable books, articles, videos and inspiring people. We’d like to introduce you to them and encourage you to get to know their inspiring ideas. Our goal is to grow this list, so please, send us your ideas for anything or anyone you feel should be featured here.
SAR Checker
We're spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing a mobile phone. With so many new distractions, shapes and sizes, it often feels quite overwhelming. Find out how your current phone compares to other phones (and Mudita Pure) in terms of an important yet often overlooked feature, the SAR value.