Mudita Kompakt coming soon! Find out more

Mudita Kompakt More offline. More life.

Reimagine your mobile experience with Mudita Kompakt – a minimalist phone that supports you in living your life to the fullest. Experience freedom from digital clutter and the intentionality of every connection.

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Reclaim the time you spend online.

More offline,

More relationships.

Reclaim the time you spend online.

More offline,

More control.

Reclaim the time you spend online.

More offline,

More freedom.

Reclaim the time you spend online.

More offline,

More productivity.

Reclaim the time you spend online.

More offline,

More peace.

Discover Kompakt

Explore the features of Mudita Kompakt that empower you to live your life to the fullest. New sneak peeks will be published biweekly. Join the waitlist and stay tuned.

E-Ink Display

Unmatched Eye Comfort

Paperlike E-Ink screens reduce eye strain to provide a more comfortable reading experience. Unless backlit, they do not emit harmful blue light.

Impressive Battery Efficiency

E-Ink technology is incredibly energy-efficient, consuming power only when refreshing the display or using the backlight.

Readability in Any Light

Whether in direct sunlight or more dim conditions, E-Ink displays with optional backlight offer excellent readability.

Ebook Reader

Library in Your Pocket

Carry your favorite books in your pocket. Kompakt’s E-reader app allows you to store and access your library anywhere. No need to bring a separate device every time you leave the house.

Paper Reading Experience

When it comes to reading, E-Ink is the only thing to rival traditional paper. Excellent reading experience with customizable font size and adjustable backlight. Read as you like, wherever you like.

Distraction-Free Reading

Kompakt was created to help you stay focused, so focus on your reading page by page, distraction-free. Find a serene book nook between the four corners of your phone’s screen.

Clean & Custom OS

Minimalist App Experience

Redefine your digital space. Kompakt is equipped with the most essential apps and functionalities but free from distractions like social media or addictive games. 

Minimalist Interface

A sleek and straightforward user interface designed to reduce clutter and enhance focus. It is easy to navigate, ensuring you can use your device without distractions.

Privacy by Design

Kompakt's operating system is built on the principle of privacy by design. Free from tracking, it ensures your data remains your own, giving you peace of mind.

Join the Waitlist
Join the Waitlist

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Why Kompakt?

It's all about the Everyday Benefits:

How can Kompakt enhance your everyday life?

  • Mindful Connectivity

    Embrace intentional connections with a phone designed to free you from digital noise.

  • Simplicity Redefined

    Experience the joy of life without distractions, thanks to Kompakt's minimalist design both inside and out.

  • Privacy and Security

    Kompakt prioritizes your digital well-being, ensuring that your data and privacy are safeguarded.

Mudita Kompakt’s Kickstarter campaign is your chance to secure Kompakt at unbelievable prices. Join the waiting list to be the first to know when the Kickstarter campaign goes live.

Kickstarter backers get priority access, and the first ones get the sweetest deals!

Technology supported by science

  • Are we too dependent on our smartphones?

    Screens are EVERYWHERE. They are in our homes, bedrooms, offices, vehicles, pockets and purses. We live in a digital era where the...


  • Mudita’s Simple Guide to Digital Minimalism

    We're sure that by now, you're all well aware of the importance of sleep. At Mudita, we've written extensively that it's vital to health...


  • E Ink and The Eyestrain Debate

    The reality of life in the 21st century is that we basically wake up and go to sleep with technology. We work with technology, play...


Proven Track Record

Empowering you to manage the way you interact with technology has been our mission for years. Check out our previous Kickstarter campaign for Mudita Bell 2 and Mudita Harmony 2 – minimalist alarm clocks that changed the mornings of hundreds of people around the world.

See kickstarter