Mudita Pure May 2021 development and production update
We know that you are eagerly awaiting the delivery of Mudita Pure, so we would like to share our most recent progress with you.
Body molding and production timeline
As we mentioned in the previous update, we are continuing to work on correcting the molding form with our current partner. The new body mold CAD construction is finished and a milled casing of the body form has been delivered. We are in the process of conducting assessments. When we have more specific information we will, of course, inform you in our next update. However, we would like to say that we are moving forward according to the production timeline and meeting all the deadlines in order to deliver Mudita Pure on the previously communicated launch date in November.
Confirmed SAR value
We finally have a confirmed SAR rating for the final device, which has now been certified by laboratory testing. The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) is a measure of the amount of RF power deposited in the human head or body whenever a mobile phone or other wireless radio device transmits. When measuring the SAR value of a mobile phone, the phone is placed against a representation of a human head (a "SAR Phantom") in a talk position. The SAR value is then measured at the location that has the highest absorption rate in the entire head, which in the case of a mobile phone is often as close to the phone's antenna as possible. The final devices were tested at Verkotan Oy (a FINAS and ILAC accredited testing laboratory) in Finland. It is widely considered one of the best laboratories in the world for these types of tests.
The tests confirmed that, according to our research, Mudita Pure has the lowest SAR (Head) value from all the mobile phones currently available on the market. The values are as follows:
SAR (Head) (over 10g) W/kg - 0.06(W/kg)
SAR (Head) (over 1g) W/kg - 0.07(W/kg)
The confirmed SAR (BODY) values for Mudita Pure are as follows:
SAR (Body) (over 10g) W/kg - 0.62(W/kg)
SAR (Body) (over 1g) W/kg - 1.13(W/kg)
Mudita Pure has the lowest SAR value for the head, as our heads are one of the most sensitive parts of our bodies and should be protected.
The telephone was designed to minimize the effect of electromagnetic radiation on humans, however, it must generate electromagnetic radiation in order to work, so it is always recommended to use headphones or loudspeakers. In simple terms, the intensity of the radiation decreases inversely proportional to the square of the distance, i.e. doubling the distance weakens the radiation four times.
Please note that the SAR values reported for mobile phones tend to significantly overstate real-life exposure levels, as models of phones are tested at maximum power levels under laboratory conditions to ensure that they comply. Mobile phones rarely operate at maximum power levels during everyday use. In order to avoid network interference, improve battery life and available call time, mobile phones constantly adapt to the minimum power required to make and maintain a call.
Main Boards
As we mentioned in the previous update, we made some upgrades to the MBs (Main Boards). So far, 60 units of the 100 ordered have been delivered.
The boards have been entered into our inventory system and tested.
Our tests indicate that approximately 95% of boards are functioning properly and that the introduced modifications are working (SDRAM, EEPROM). The first Mudita prototypes containing the new boards were constructed and sent to one of the world’s leading test house groups for mobile devices, for certification. Moreover, we will test the remaining 40 boards (which are scheduled to arrive in the coming week) and send feedback to the supplier.
Mudita Pure Main Boards
Inventory of new Main Boards
Electronic Engineering Developments (Pre-compliance testing)
Additional measurements were carried out using the ESD testing station in order to perform pre-compliance assessment for the European Harmonized Standards ETSI EN 301 489-17 and ETSI EN 301 489-52. Those standards are Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards for telecommunications equipment and services.
Like we mentioned in the previous update, ESD is the sudden flow of electricity between two electrically charged objects caused by a build-up of static electricity. After some modifications, the test results indicate that the device complies with the specified standards with regard to ESD. Samples were prepared and sent to the certification lab. We are now waiting for the lab to perform its tests and to confirm our results.
ESD testing station
Mudita Pure has also undergone in-house, pre-compliance testing for the IEC 62368-1 safety standard (at Maximum Normal Load and various Single Fault Conditions). The IEC 62368-1 standard is a product-safety standard specifically intended for state-of-the-art information and computer technology devices to ensure products don't become hazardous to the user. The in-house test results indicate Mudita Pure is in compliance with the above-mentioned standard (within the parameters indicated). The test samples will soon be sent to the global safety certification company for final testing and certification.
In-house testing for compliance with the IEC 62368-1 standard
In-house testing for compliance with the IEC 62368-1 standard
Audio performance tests
The audio performance of Mudita Pure was tested with the new versions of the LM_5v2 board, which included board modification in the loudspeaker area, stackup modification, and minor manufacturing fixes. The modifications made to the previous version did not result in any major performance changes. Different types of audio components were tested, such as different types of materials for speaker support and construction and the best materials were chosen for production. Also, different versions of speaker enclosures were considered to check their performance. We are continuing to implement improvements to the audio capabilities of Mudita Pure in order to deliver the best possible audio experience. Once all the tests have been finalized will we update you with the results.
Anechoic chamber during the audio test
Mudita Pure during test (anechoic chamber interior view)
Additional durability, impact simulation and resistance testing
In order to assess the durability of Mudita Pure, we designed a special experiment and conducted a drop test to determine how well the device would perform during an impact simulation. The device was dropped three times from a height of 1m with the focus on dropping the phone directly on the most vulnerable point of the phone. Based on previous assessments, it was concluded that the most likely place for the device to sustain damage would be, if it was dropped on the lower left edge. A larger scratch was noticeable on the edge of the device, but the cover did not detach from the body as much as in previous tests.
This drop test was conducted as part of various internal testing processes. The drop test station was built in order to perform a comparative assessment. It allowed us to view how the device performs with components constructed of different types of material (PC, ABS,PC+ABS) in order to make sure the device is manufactured to be as durable, resistant to damage and long lasting.
We were also able to assess the quality of the fit between particular parts (whether tight or loose).
In the future, we will be able to perform internal tests according to PN-EN 62368-1 using our drop test station. The PN-EN 62368-1 is a standard required to meet safety requirements.
Mudita Pure Drop Test Video
Drop test assessment station
Coin scrape tests. This tool is often used to provide a repeatable "Fingernail Scratch" test. This method is also used in determining the durability of scratch off applications used on lottery tickets.
Every week brings new improvements to MuditaOS! We have added new UI windows which include certification-related technical info, a factory reset window, a window with SAR parameter value, updated the internet tethering windows, and improved PIN change windows.
When it comes to implementing the functionality of the three phone modes (Connected / Do not disturb / Offline) we have implemented rejecting phone calls in the DND mode and handling the Offline mode by the cellular modem.
We have fully implemented sound and vibration settings. Not only can you toggle them ON and OFF, but also select ringtones, incoming message sounds, and calendar notification sound from a variety of soothing tunes that were created exclusively for Mudita Pure.
You will also be able to turn on the keypad light and choose one of the available modes: Always on, Off, and On when active.
We have added headset ringing on an incoming call with the ability to reject or answer the call with headset controls.
You can also connect to a Bluetooth speaker or headset and receive calls.
We have also introduced a lot of fixes and changes that improve power management and UX-related issues such as keypad backlight turning on during a call, setting passcode during the onboarding process, disabling phone mode changes when internet tethering is enabled, and fixing minor bugs inside the calculator app.
Our community on the MuditaOS Developer Preview program is constantly helping us improve the “brain of the phone” and localize the user interface into various languages. We have ongoing localization processes for the following languages: Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian, Turkish, and Punjabi.
You can still [apply to be a part of MuditaOS Developer Preview](https://mudita.com/products/pure/muditaos/)!
Below you can see some of the screenshots of the newly added UI windows.
Mudita OS UI windows
What’s next?
In the coming weeks, we hope to have all of the new Main Boards tested and replaced in all available prototypes. We also plan on assessing the new modifications in the form in order to prepare for trial injections.
Thank you for taking the time to read this update. As always, we’d like to thank all of you for your support and encouragement on this exciting, but at the same time, challenging journey.
See you next month!
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