Spike Jonze
A feature film about a lonely writer that begins a relationship with an unlikely suitor conveys much more than meets the eye.
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A feature film about a lonely writer that begins a relationship with an unlikely suitor conveys much more than meets the eye.
The TV-series Black Mirror explores ways in which innovations interfere with humanity.
Author of many time management and productivity books, Laura gives a TED talk about her specialization. Laura claims time is the most accommodating resource, we just don't use it wisely.
Born in Turkey, Zeynep Tufekc was a computer programmer before turning to sociology and academics. She preferred topics are at the intersection of digitalization and human interaction.
How can we live better lives with technology? In this video, Sherry Turkle talk about how tech is redefining human interactions and the consequences.
Tristan Harris, former Google design ethicist and product philosopher, compares slot machines with mobile phones and speaks how tech can change to help users.
Sam Harris speaks with Tristan Harris, a former design ethicist and product philosopher with Google, about how people and ethics are changing.
Rebekah Borucki guides beginners through a step-by-step meditation intended to help with stress and anxiety.
Mark Adams describes the cult of extreme productivity where the decisions you make lead to success or suffering!
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Most to-do list apps do a poor job of integrating with your schedule. Even if they do show your calendar, you probably have to view it on a separate screen.