National Sleep Foundation
Study Links Diabetes Risk to Melatonin Levels 
As a first of its kind, a study has linked type 2 diabetes with nighttime hormone secretion taking into account other established risk factors.
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As a first of its kind, a study has linked type 2 diabetes with nighttime hormone secretion taking into account other established risk factors.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official website on sleep and sleep disorders.
The Mental Health Foundation in the UK takes a good look at sleep and its effects on people. From memory to attention, all of our daily functions require good sleep hygiene.
The light emitted from screens, called blue light, disrupts adult and children's production of melatonin, a hormone that aids sleep. Use red, or other warm, lights in bedrooms and bathrooms.
Cal Newport, the author of Digital Minimalism, explains his work and how to look at the value of entertainment.
Prolonged hours watching TV led to difficulties in reading during the 1980s. Today, children should not exceed a total of two hours of screen time per day.
Once, owning a smartphone was a sign of high social standing. Now, smartphones interfere with sleep, productivity and mental health.
Social media is known to affect mental health. But what role does in play in undermining democracy?
Everyone knows about the health damage caused by smartphones. Jean Twenge, Ph.D., offers insight on how to stop and repair the damage done.
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Young adults are embracing improved digital wellbeing when traveling. Professor McKenna calls on the tourism industry to consider this trend.