Daily Jomo
Daily JOMO 
The process of communication involves exchange. It’s what our current communication is lacking: why calling someone's voicemail or posting updates online without an exchange of ideas can feel flat.
We continuously hand-pick the most valuable resources on technology and how it influences us.
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The process of communication involves exchange. It’s what our current communication is lacking: why calling someone's voicemail or posting updates online without an exchange of ideas can feel flat.
NirandFar is about the intersection of psychology, technology, and business. Companies design consumer behavior while educating individuals about behavior change and digital distraction.
The Global Wellness InstituteTM is a nonprofit organization with a mission to empower wellness worldwide by educating public and private sectors about preventative health and wellness.
Common Sense Media empowers parents and teachers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice and innovative tools to help harness the power of technology as a positive force in children's lives.
A wonderful social campaign to increase the awareness of mental health problems related to social media. They launched a spoof site with envy-indulging photos ready-made for social media profiles.
The Environmental Health Trust carries out cutting edge research to understand and reduce environmental health risks.
Wireless Education's aim is to provide everyone everywhere with the information needed to make informed decisions about wireless technology usage and how to reduce levels of radiation exposure.
Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Timesbest-selling author and is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality and human potential!
A great campaign empowering parents and equipping them with resources if they want to make a change in their local community and advocate for healthy use of technology.
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Nonprofit organization which seeks to reverse what they call the 'digital attention crisis' caused by technology companies and social media features in order to capture as much attention as possible.