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Declutter Your Digital Workplace

Declutter your digital workplace and take back control of your device. Minimalism is on the rise, both offline and online.

Focus and productivity

WHO Guidelines: Children and Screen Time

The World Health Organization (WHO) released new guidelines on how much time children under five should spend in front of a screen.


The Best EMF Organizations

Electromagnetic fields and their possible impact on human health is a subject of worldwide discussion, not only among scientists.

Interview: Mechanisms to Build Good Habits

An interview with Jacek Siadkowski, founder of Gerere, a Tech for Good agency that specializes in digital products with a high social impact.

Focus and productivity

Motivations to Unplug & the Role of Public Figures & Adults

The third article in the blog series of our guest writer, Jadelin Pikake Felipe. She writes about her research on college students intentionally unplugging.

6 Sources of Radiation In The Home

There are many electronic devices in our homes. Find out what electromagnetic radiation (EMF) can emit.


Mobile Phone Radiation from Scientists - 10 Top Quotes

We’d like to share some of the statements given by scientists and doctors so that you can make up your own mind with regards to phone radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation

Does Radiation Poisoning Affect Plants?

It isn't only humans who are at risk with regards to the potential health effects of being exposed to mobile radiation (EMF). Plants are at risk too.

How Does Mobile Radiation Affect Honey Bees?

Bee populations are decreasing worldwide. Do you know that the radiation from the cell phone influences honey bees? Find out the answer to this question!

Electromagnetic radiation