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My TOP 6 Wellness Non-Negotiables

Our team member shares her wellness non-negotiables and how they help to guide her towards a life of health, happiness and fulfillment.

Mindful Breathing
Healthy Body and Mind
Meditation and mindfulness

What exactly is self-care & why it matters

We all know how important it is to take care of ourselves, however sometimes it can be hard to remember how to do that.

Mindful Breathing
Healthy Body and Mind
Meditation and mindfulness

Well-rested kids are happy kids (and also happy parents)!

”Happiness consists of getting enough sleep. Just that, nothing more.” — Robert A. Heinlein

Mudita Products
Healthy Body and Mind

Simple tips to transition to a back-to-school sleep schedule

Back-to-school means earlier mornings and earlier bedtimes. Check out our tips for an easy transition.

Mudita Products
Healthy Body and Mind

How to effectively deal with workplace burnout

“Burnout is what happens when you try to avoid being human for too long.” ~Michael Gungor

Healthy Body and Mind
Mindful Use of Technology
Focus and productivity

We’ve reached the end of our crowdfunding journey!

Our Backers & the Mudita Community helped us bring this AWESOME campaign to completion!

Mudita Products
Mudita Pure

Discover How Deep Breathing Can Help You Become More Mindful

Practicing deep breathing can help you become more present and mindful. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Mudita Products
Mindful Breathing
Healthy Body and Mind
Meditation and mindfulness

How to work efficiently in the era of hybrid work?

While remote or hybrid work has become ingrained across many industries, we should be aware about "blurring boundaries" & the dangers of work-life imbalance.

Mindful Use of Technology
Mudita Products
Healthy Body and Mind
Focus and productivity

The Vibes Festival Experience!

Iga, Mudita Community Member & Winner of the Contest, Shares her Experience at the Vibes Festival

Healthy Body and Mind