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Learn About Cellular Frequencies and What They Mean

There are many aspects of smartphone technology but for now, we’d like to introduce you to how smartphones use cellular frequencies.

Electromagnetic radiation

Why did Mudita decide to build a low SAR phone?

There is a large amount of concern about cell phone radiation and the specific absorption rate (SAR) value of cell phones.

Mudita backstage

Have You Tried Meditation?

When you're dealing with issues and you confide in someone, it can be very hard for them to know how to help. Often, this question doesn't help.

Meditation and mindfulness
Healthy Body and Mind

Why Does Mudita Care About Mobile Radiation?

Devices around us produce electromagnetic fields. If we are exposed to EMF radiation in the long term, does it have any impact on human health?

Mudita backstage

How To Check SAR Value Of Your Phone - 5 Top Ways

Each phone has a specific absorption rate expressed in SAR value. Find out how to check SAR value on your device & see how it compares to Mudita Pure.

Electromagnetic radiation
Healthy Body and Mind

What Does the WHO Say About Your Mobile Phone?

When discussing the subject of mobile radiation, it’s crucial that we base our knowledge on the authority of scientists and well-known associations.

Digital Wellness Festival 2019

Mudita had an opportunity to be part of the first Digital Wellness Festival (DWF) 2019 in London, England.

Mudita backstage

Declutter Your Digital Workplace

Declutter your digital workplace and take back control of your device. Minimalism is on the rise, both offline and online.

Focus and productivity

WHO Guidelines: Children and Screen Time

The World Health Organization (WHO) released new guidelines on how much time children under five should spend in front of a screen.
