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Latest stories

Mudita Pure Verkotan Results

Mudita Pure’s first prototype was tested at Verkotan (a FINAS and ILAC accredited testing laboratory) in Finland.

Electromagnetic radiation

Minimalism at Home

Minimalism at home is something which for some of us, seems quite challenging. We often see an item we like and buy it without really thinking.

Digital minimalism

The National Day of Unplugging

The National Day of Unplugging takes place from sundown to sundown, from the 6th to the 7th of March.

Digital minimalism

Decluttering Your Emotions

Decluttering your emotions and generally organizing your thoughts can help you to keep things simple, so that you can focus on what matters. 

Digital minimalism

How to be More Human

The truth is that when you’re face to face with someone, you’re going to achieve more. It’s much harder for them to ‘delete’ what you’re saying.

Focus and productivity

Testing the prototypes and preparing Pure for production!

In the upcoming weeks, we will be working on the next iteration of the Mudita Pure prototype.

Mudita backstage

How Mudita Interprets Minimalism

According to some minimalists, you should aim to live with or with less than 100 things. This does seem quite extreme, so here are some easier offline ideas.

Digital minimalism

Attention: The precious currency we’re giving away for free

Intellectual growth is in reverse. And it’s not a comment to the social or political situation or to the conditions of media, but a scientific fact.

Focus and productivity

I went 24 hours without my phone and here’s what happened

Like many other millennial females from Los Angeles, I am very self-aware that I spend too much time on my phone. What happened during my 24 hours without it?

Digital minimalism