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Technologia E-Ink a zmęczenie oczu

Na tropie prawdy o wpływie ekranów na zmęczenie oczu i technologii E-Ink.

Are we too dependent on our smartphones?

In a world where smartphones and digital devices are constantly demanding our attention, have we become too dependent on technology?

Electromagnetic radiation
Focus and productivity
Digital minimalism
Mindful Use of Technology
Mudita Products
Privacy and security
Healthy Body and Mind
Mudita Kompakt

Czy jesteśmy zbyt zależni od smartfonów?

Telefon komórkowy – używany w ramach rozrywki, pracy, czasem tylko dla zabicia nudy – stał się nieodzownym elementem współczesności.

Krótki przewodnik po cyfrowym minimalizmie

Cyfrowy minimalizm to bardziej znaczące, bardziej intencjonalne życie bez konieczności pozostawania połączonym (i podłączonym).

Simple Self-Care Checklist

Self-care is an important if you want to feel your best. Here's a checklist to help make sure you're getting the most from your self-care routine.

Digital minimalism
Meditation and mindfulness
Healthy Body and Mind

Simple ways to take your mind to a calm and happy state

It's easy to get stressed out by life, However, there are simple ways to find your happy place with these easy tips.

Healthy Body and Mind
Mindful Breathing
Meditation and mindfulness

What is digital depression & why does it matter

Digital depression is real. In today’s tech-charged world, it's important to prioritize digital wellness.

Digital minimalism
Mindful Use of Technology
Healthy Body and Mind

How Daylight-Saving Time Affects Your Sleep and Health

It's that time of year again where daylight savings time changes our sleep patterns.

Focus and productivity
Healthy Body and Mind

What causes insomnia & how to treat it

If you suffer from insomnia, it might help to take a holistic approach to your sleep hygiene in order to experience more restful, uninterrupted night's rest.

Meditation and mindfulness
Healthy Body and Mind